

Microsoft Excel is a spreadsheet program that is used to record and analyse numerical data. Think of a spreadsheet as a collection of columns and rows that form a table. Alphabetical letters are usually assigned to columns and numbers are usually assigned to rows. The point where a column and a row meet is called a cell. The address of a cell is given by the letter representing the column and the number representing a row.

Length : 30 Hours

Calculating Data with Advanced Formulas

Manage Cell and Range Names

Calculate Data Across Worksheets

Use Specialized Functions

Analyze Data with Logical and Lookup Functions

Organizing Worksheet and Table Data

Create and Modify Tables

Format Tables

Sort or Filter Worksheet or Table Data

Calculate Data in a Table or Worksheet

Presenting Data Using Charts

Create a Chart

Modify Charts

Format Charts

Customizing and Enhancing Workbooks and the Excel Environment

Customize the Excel Environment

Customize Workbooks

Create and Use Templates

Working with Built-in Functions

Use the IF function.

Use the SUMIF function.

Use the nested IF function.

Use the PMT function.

Use the lookup (VLOOKUP, HLOOKUP) functions.

Use the MATCH and INDEX functions.

Use database functions.

Use Date & Time Function, Trim, Round, Ceiling etc.

Working with Multiple Workbooks

Create a Workspace

Consolidate Data

Link Cells in Different Workbooks

Edit Links

Presenting Data

Structure data using Sort & Filter.

Use advanced filtering.

Present data in a table.

Manage data.

Validate cell entries.

Create a PivotTable.

Rearrange a PivotTable.

Format a PivotTable.

Analyze Data Using Pivot Charts.

Collaborating with Others

Protect Files

Share a Workbook

Set Revision Tracking

Review Tracked Revisions

Merge Workbooks.

Auditing and Exporting Data

Use the auditing features.

Add comments to cells.

Use the protection feature .

Using Analytical Options and Macros

Use the Goal Seek and Solver.

Create a Macro

Edit a Macro

Apply Conditional Formatting

Add Data Validation Criteria

Update a Workbook’s Properties

Modify Excel’s Default Settings.

Create data tables.

Use scenarios.

Use macros to automate complex and repetitive tasks.

Add a Macro Button to the Quick Access Toolbar.

Use Visual Basic Editor to edit a macro.

Create custom functions.